To access your courseware on Money Education, you must first retrieve an access code. This code is automatically assigned to you when you click on your course materials in your BibliU Library. Follow the steps below to ensure you receive your access code and can start using Money Education for your studies.
To create your Money Education student account:
1. Visit our website at
2. Click on “Log in”
3. Click “create an account”
4. Fill out information specifying that you are creating a student account.
To access your account and resources:
1. Visit our website at
2. Click on “Log in”
3. Log in with your email and password that you created
4. Click on “My Books”
5. Click on “Register my book”
6. Using the reference code found inside the front cover of your book, fill out the required information. If using an e-book, look for the “Reveal Access Code” button in your account.
7. Click on “Chapter Resources” for student resources
8. Click on “Go to the Practice Portal” for access to the practice portal.
Need help? please visit
You can also reach out to for further assistance with regards to your access codes.
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