LTI1.3 (most institutions will be using LTI 1.3, if you need guidance on LTI 1.1, please of to the bottom of this article).
To add the BibliU LTI link to a module in canvas please follow the steps below. A video tutorial is also included further down to guide you.
We can launch the BibliU reader on the main library page or we can set it to open in a specific chapter of a specific book.
Adding a generic BibliU link
1. After creating a module inside a course on Canvas, select the plus sign in the upper right corner of the module:
2. The following page will appear. Where it says Add near the top of the page, select External Tool from the list of options.
3. This will show a list of external tools that have already been initialised in your Canvas LMS. Choose the one that says BibliU.
4. This will pre-fill the URL and Page Name fields. (You can choose to select the Load in a new tab option based on your own preference).
5. Click Add Item at the bottom right.
You should now see the BibliU link in your module as illustrated by the image below:
You can click on the link to test it out.
Adding a BibliU link that goes to a specific title
Please follow the same steps as outlined above but when you get to step 4, edit the Page Name to something relevant to the book you are linking to (this will usually be the title of the book).
Also edit the URL. To do this, go into the BibliU reader in another tab, and copy and past the URL of a the specific title that you want.
Please note,
a) if you care which chapter the title opens in, please first navigate to that chapter in the reader before copying the URL
b) Once you paste the URL you have to delete the last part of it after the # such as described below:
You should see two links now in your module:
If needed, you can edit the details by clicking on the three little dots on the right hand side of the link. That will open the following box:
Here is a video tutorial that covers these steps:
LTI 1.1 - (these are steps that should only be followed if your Canvas is set up with LTI 1.1)
Linking to a specific title in a course module
To link to a specific title in a course module:
- Navigate to the course that you are looking to update.
- On the second column left hand side navigation bar, select “Settings”
- Select the “Apps” tab on the top navigation bar
- Click on the +App button in the upper right hand corner
- A box like the one below will appear:
- Complete the following fields:
- Configuration Type- Manual Entry
- Name- This will be the name of the link that you’d like to show for the students when they see the link in the module. Often times faculty members will enter the name of the textbook here.
- Consumer Key- Enter the key provided to you by the BibliU team
- Shared Secret- Enter the secret provided to you by the BibliU team
- Launch URL-
- Domain-
- Privacy- Public
- Custom Fields- custom_launch_url=/view/books/<enterbookisbnhere>
- Click “Submit”
- Go to your modules, and click on the “+” sign in the row of the module you’d like to add your book to.
- A box like this will appear:
- On the drop down, select “External Tool”, then click on the name of the app that you’ve added to your settings. In this case it is “Accounting 101 Textbook”. This will prepopulate the URL and Page name. Click “Add Item”.
- The link will appear in your module, and it will direct the students right to the book when they click on it.
Linking to a specific page in a course module
To link to a specific page in a course module:
- Navigate to the course that you are looking to update.
- On the second column left hand side navigation bar, select “Settings”
- Select the “Apps” tab on the top navigation bar
- Click on the +App button in the upper right hand corner
- A box like the one below will appear:
- Complete the following fields:
- Configuration Type- Manual Entry
- Name- This will be the name of the link that you’d like to show for the students when they see the link in the module. Oftentimes faculty members will enter the name of the textbook here.
- Consumer Key- Enter the key provided to you by the BibliU team
- Shared Secret- Enter the secret provided to you by the BibliU team
- Launch URL-
- Privacy- Public
- Custom Fields- This part is a bit more in depth. First, you will type “custom_launch_url=/view/books/<enterbookisbnhere>” Then navigate to the title and page that you are wanting to open for the students. It will look like this:
- When you find the page you’d like to navigate to, look at the URL for this specific page. You will see that in the URL, the eISBN is listed. Copy the URL from where the eISBN ends to the end of the URL, and paste that text after the eISBN you’ve put into the Custom Fields field so far. For example, if you want to link to the page of the title referenced above, your Custom Field would look like this:
- Click “Submit”
- Go to your modules, and click on the “+” sign in the row of the module you’d like to add your book to.
- A box like this will appear:
- On the drop down, select “External Tool”, then click on the name of the app that you’ve added to your settings. In this case it is “Accounting 101 Textbook- Chapter 7”. This will prepopulate the URL and Page name. Click “Add Item”.
- The link will appear in your module, and it will direct the students right to the book when they click on it.
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