Moodle LTI 1.1 Tool Setup
Below are instructions for setting up BibliU on Moodle LTI 1.1.
System Configuration
- Log into Moodle and navigate to the Sit administration top in the top navigation menu.
- Select Plugins from the top navigation bar.
- Scroll down to “Activity modules”, and select “Manage tools” from the options under “External Tool”.
- Select “Configure a tool manually” from the options that appear:
- Enter the following tool settings in the box that populates:
- Tool Name- This will be what appears for the faculty and students when they add the tool to their modules. A common name is “BibliU- Textbooks and Course Materials”
- Tool URL-
- Tool description- Description of BibliU that will be displayed to the faculty in their activity list.
- LTI version- LTI 1.0/1.1
- Consumer key- Enter the key provided to you by BibliU
- Shared secret- Enter the secret provided to you by BibliU
- Tool configuration usage- Show as preconfigured tool when adding external tool
- Default launch container- You can choose how you’d like BibliU to open, either in Moodle, in an existing window or in a new window.
- Under privacy, select “always” for “Share launcher’s name with tool”, and “Share launcher’s email with tool”.
- Select “Save changes”
Additional Information
Individual Information
As specified above, BibliU requires both email and name to be transmitted to the application through the LMS. This is sometimes referred to as "Public" privacy or "Unrestricted".
We use this information to create a personalized account for the student, this allows them to:
- Set a password in the future (A necessity for native app use)
- Contact us through our in-app support system and receive responses
- Match Single Sign-On accounts with their LMS equivalents.
If you have further queries about BibliU's privacy policy you can read our end-user privacy policy here: Privacy Policy
The attributes used are:
lis_person_contact_email_primary (the email address associated with their Canvas Account)
lis_person_name_given (Their full name)
Context Information
In addition, we store the context of the LMS section in order to segment users by course, which is a requirement for some content licensing arrangements.
context_label (In Moodle, this is the Course full name, ex. - Accounting 101- see example below)
context_title (In Moodle, this is the Course short name in the settings, ex- ACC-101-000001- see example below)
To add the BibliU tool to a course:
- Within your Moodle course, turn editing on.
- Select “Add an activity or resource” in the section that you’d like to add BibliU.
- Select “External Tool” from the menu that appears.
- Fill in the “activity name” using the name you’d like it to show for the students.
- In the “Preconfigured tool” dropdown, select the BibliU tool, shown here as “BibliU- Textbooks and Course Materials”.
- Click “Save and return to course” or “Save and display” to save your changes. When the students click on this link, the title for this course will automatically appear in their library.
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