How to Install BibliU on Blackboard
Below are the instructions for installing the BibliU App on Blackboard LTI 1.1.
- Log in to your Blackboard Admin account and make sure “edit mode” is on.
- Click on the System Admin Panel tab.
- Under the “Integrations” section select “LTI Tool Providers”.
- Choose the “Register LTI 1.1 Provider” tab and enter the following information:
- Provider Domain Status
- Provider domain -
- Provider domain status - Approved
- Provider Domain Status
- Default Configuration
- Default configuration - set globally
- Enter Tool Provider Key provided by BibliU
- Enter Tool Provider Secret provided by BibliU
- Tool Provider Custom Parameters (enter one parameter per line):
- Blackboard_course_externaluid=@X@course.batch_uid@X@
- blackboard_userid=@X@user.pk_string@X@
- blackboard_courseid=@X@course.pk_string@X@
- blackboard_user_externaluid=@X@user.batch_uid@X@
- Institution Policies
- Send User Data: Send user data over any connection
- User Field to Send: select all boxes
- Role in Course
- Name
- Email Address
- Allow Membership Service Access: Yes
- Click Submit
Managing Course Links
After you have set BibliU up as an LTI 1.1 Tool Provider, you can place LTI links into courses.
Manage Placements
This is the best option if you will be placing the same link in every course. This will make an LTI link to BibliU available in Course Tools.
- Click on the System Admin panel tab.
- Under the “Integrations” section select “LTI Tool Providers”.
- Click the arrow next to the provider domain and click Manage Placements.
- Click Create Placement and enter the following:
- Placement Information
- Label: Enter what you would like to have appear in the course, for example, BibliU- Textbooks and Course Materials
- Handle: BibliU
- Availability: Yes
- Type - Choose which best fits your need:
- Course tool, student -Select this option if you would like to add the link to the course menu (classic) or would like the tool to be available to students in the books & tools menu (ultra)- be sure to check off "Allow Student Access".
- Course content tool - Select this option if you would like faculty to add the link to their course through the Content section (classic) or Content Market (ultra)
- Placement Information
- Tool Provider Information:
- Tool Provider URL:
- Tool Provider Key: Given to you by BibliU
- Tool Provider Secret: Given to you by BibliU
- Tool Provider Custom Parameters
- blackboard_course_externaluid=@X@course.batch_uid@X@
- blackboard_userid=@X@user.pk_string@X@
- blackboard_courseid=@X@course.pk_string@X@
- blackboard_user_externaluid=@X@user.batch_uid@X@
- Click Submit
From here, faculty and students should be able to see the tool in their course if they click on "Tools" in the left hand navigation menu of any course. The tool will show as an option as displayed below:
Adding Tool Link to the Course Menu
Default Course Menu
This will allow you to add a Link Placement to the default Course Menu. This is your best option if you would like to have the BibliU Tool link available in all courses by default as pictured here:
- Click on the System Admin Panel Tab and click on “Course Settings” under the “Courses” section.
- Select “Course Menu and Structures”.
- Click the + on the default Course menu
- Select Tool Link and enter the following:
- Name: Enter what you would like to appear in the Course Menu
- Type: Select the link placement you created for BibliU
- Available to Users: Check the box
- Click Submit
Course Level Menu
This will allow you to add a Link Placement to the menu for a specific course if it hasn't been done already at the default course level.
- From within a course, click the + on the top left hand corner of the Course Menu
- Click Tool Link and enter the following:
- Name: Enter what you like to appear in the Course Menu
- Type: Select the link placement for the BibliU tool you’d like to use
- Available to Users: Check the box
- Click Submit
Adding Links to a Content Area
Creating a Link from a Link Placement
This will allow you to add a Link Placement to a content area in a course. Courses typically have a content area labelled Content available in the Course Menu by default.
- From within a course, click Content in the Course Menu
- Click on the Build Content drop-down menu and locate the BibliU tool you’d like to use.
- Enter the following info to create your link:
- Link Name: Enter what you’d like the link to be called. For example: BibliU- Textbooks and Course Materials
- Available: Yes
- Click Submit
Creating a Link
This will allow you to add a link to a course. This is the best option if the links you need to use will vary by course. An example of when to use this is when you are linking to a specific ebook. These links can be added to Content areas, Learning Modules, Module Pages, and Content Folders.
- When in a course, click Content in the Course Menu on the left hand side of the page.
- Click Build Content and select Web Link from the dropdown menu
- Enter the following info to create your link:
- Web Link Information
- Name: Enter what you’d like the link to be called. Example: BibliU- Textbooks and Course Materials
- URL: (You will need to enter the eISBN for the specific BibliU book you are using. Example:
- Web Link Information
- This link is a Tool Provider: Check the box
- Description - Optional
- Attachments - Optional
- Web Link Options
- Open in New Window: Yes
- Standard Options
- Permit Users to View this Content: Yes
- Track Number of Views: No
- Select date and time restrictions as necessary for the course
- Click Submit
Additional Information
Individual Information
BibliU requires both email and name to be transmitted to the application through the LMS. This is sometimes referred to as "Public" privacy or "Unrestricted".
We use this information to create a personalized account for the student, this allows them to:
- Set a password in the future (A necessity for native app use)
- Contact us through our in-app support system and receive responses
- Match Single Sign-On accounts with their LMS equivalents.
If you have further queries about BibliU's privacy policy you can read our end-user privacy policy here: Privacy Policy
The attributes used are:
lis_person_contact_email_primary (the email address associated with their Canvas Account)
lis_person_name_given (Their full name)
Context Information
In addition, we store the context of the LMS section in order to segment users by course, which is a requirement for some content licensing arrangements.
context_label (This is the name of the course, ex. - Accounting 101- see example below)
context_title (This is the course code in the settings, ex- ACC-101-000001- see example below)
Still not seeing your tool in Blackboard?
A few things that may cause your BibliU LTI integration tool to not show in Blackboard:
- Ensure that you have approved the tool. Go to System Admin> LTI Tool Providers. Select the dropdown arrow next to, and select "Approve".
If it has been properly approved, it will show as below:
If this doesn't work, navigate back to "System Admin". Select "Tools" under "Tools and Utilities". Scroll down to the name of the tool that you created in the LTI Tool set up, and toggle the "availability" button on if it is not already showing as such:
Select submit.
If you continue to have any problems or need any additional help, please reach out to
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