Logging in to BibliU
To access BibliU the first time, you will need to go through your school's LMS and in your case, Moodle. This way, all of your course materials will appear upon signing in to BibliU. In any case, you would like to access BibliU on one of our native apps, you can login through Single Sign-on. Click here to learn more.
How will my e-text appear in BibliU?
All of your provisioned texts through BibliU will appear as soon as you login via Moodle. To know more how you can get access to your e-texts in BibliU, click here.
Courseware and how to access them in BibliU
Courseware is the interactive material that supplements and can include an ebook. This page sets out the instructions for how students can easily access it via our platform.
How does Opt-out work?
Opt Out is the choice given to students to decide whether they would like to receive materials from BibliU or decide to find their materials somewhere else.
How do I login and access the contents as a Faculty?
As a faculty member, you will first need to log in to your BibliU account through each course that you are teaching in order to make your titles appear in your library, and then from there you can also log in through Single Sign On. To learn more, see it here: Logging in to BibliU and Finding Your Course Content
Adding BibliU to a Course module in Moodle
To add the BibliU LTI link to a module, after completing the above steps, follow the steps on this guide: Adding BibliU to Your Course in Moodle
All about Coursewares
Your courseware can be provided through BibliU in a few different manners. There are two different types of courseware, which is a good place to start to understand where your courseware will be found in the BibliU platform. To learn more, check out this article: How will courseware appear in BibliU?
Setting up your LTI Integrated Coursewares
Each publisher has their own resources for setting up their LTI integrated courseware, such as Pearson MyLabs, Cengage Mindtap, and McGraw Hill Connect.
In simple terms, LTI integrated courseware is the publisher interactive material/courseware that you have worked directly with publishers to setup in Moodle. That process is not changing! If you are needing help setting these resources up in your course, please refer to the support links below for more information:
- Setting Up Your Cengage LTI Integrated Courseware
- Setting Up Your Pearson LTI Integrated Courseware
- Setting Up Your MacMillan LTI Integrated Courseware
- Setting Up Your WW Norton & Co LTI Integrated Courseware
- Setting Up Your McGraw Hill LTI Integrated Courseware
- Setting Up Your Wiley LTI Integrated Courseware
- Setting Up Your Sage LTI Integrated Courseware
Troubleshooting Access issues for your students
Should your students are having an issue accessing their books on BibliU, please refer to this article: My students are having an issue accessing their books
Getting to know LTI & LMS
BibliU's LTI implementation allows users to have an account seamlessly created for them by clicking on the tool in their LMS/VLE course. To know more, see the entire content here: Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) - Learning Management Systems (LMS) / Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
How to integrate BibliU LTI with Moodle
Integrating BibliU LTI into Moodle offers two options: Integrating through LTI v1.1 and LTI v1.3. Elevate your teaching and learning experience with BibliU's versatile Moodle integration.
All about SSO (Single Sign-on)
A Single-Sign-On (SSO) authentication system allows a student to have a single set of login credentials to sign them into our native BibliU applications. This is optional for all Inclusive Access students and only needed should they need to login through our native apps. To know more how to setup the SSO integration with BibliU, check out this article: SSO Integrations: SAML / Shibboleth / OpenAthens
Integration Troubleshooting Tips
We've collected some of the historical issues institutions have run into with their integration with BibliU. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for here, please use our support contact and we will be happy to help:
Adoptions Tool
BibliU's Adoptions Tool was created to optimize the content adoption workflow. Users are able to submit new requests, manage existing requests, search through our catalog, and view the adoption status of all courses. This allows faculty to easily submit and resubmit their adoptions and for administrators to quickly view the information that is important to them. BibliU's integrations and automations help to streamline these processes and make them as efficient as possible. To learn more about Adoptions tool, you can check out these articles:
How to send your Students' Enrollment data to BibliU securely?
BibliU requires student enrollment data from your institution to ensure students receive the appropriate course materials and for accurate billing and reporting purposes. BibliU uses secure FTP connection to ensure the data is safe and protected. To learn more how to set this up, these articles will help:
- How do I send my students' enrollment data to BibliU?
- How to Automate File Transfer - Windows (with WinSCP via FTPS)
If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our email support team at We're here to help!
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