Install the BibliU app to get started downloading any book for offline reading! Easily download and install our native apps through following the links below:
Desktop App (Mac and PC)
Please note in some instances, you are unfortunately not permitted to download a book due to restrictions from the publisher.
Downloading a book is easy in the app!
- Find the download option in the book: Find the download button by selecting the icon in the upper right hand corner of your library.
- Download the book: Select the “Download the book” option for your book to download (you can keep reading and using the app until a pop-up toast menu notifies you that the book has completely downloaded). This will download the book to your local drive, so you will be able to read your textbook on the device that you have downloaded it on, but it will not download to all of your devices when you select this.
Similarly, you can remove a downloaded book by selecting the same icon again, now called "Remove Download."
What can I do in offline mode?
Feature |
Yes |
No |
Table of Content drawer |
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In-book searches |
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Annotate |
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Highlight |
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Sync my annotations |
✔ |
Accessibility functions |
✔ |
Text-to-Speech |
✔ |
Save pages to PDF |
✔ |
Open References for Citation |
✔ |
In-book Discussion |
✔ |
Managing your downloaded books
You can find all of your downloaded books in the ‘Downloads’ section of our Library shown below! Simply un-download them by pressing the ticked cloud icon.
You can find also manage the devices associated with your downloaded books in the settings page as shown below.
Escalating the Issue
If you are still having difficulties downloading your book for offline reading, please contact us at and provide the following details so we can start investigating your concern:
- your Unique Identifier in the app (For more information on how you can obtain this detail, please visit this Help Article: Sharing your Unique Identifier with Support)
- the complete title and author of the book/s with issue
- a screen-recording video of the issue or screenshots of the error (if possible)
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